Friday, 7 February 2020

Azure API Management Gate Way JWT token validation | inbound policy template and options

    header-name="name of http header containing the token (use query-parameter-name attribute if the token is passed in the URL)"
    failed-validation-httpcode="http status code to return on failure"
    failed-validation-error-message="error message to return on failure"
    token-value="expression returning JWT token as a string"
    clock-skew="allowed clock skew in seconds"
    output-token-variable-name="name of a variable to receive a JWT object representing successfully validated token">
  <ns0:openid-config url="full URL of the configuration endpoint, e.g." />
    <ns0:key>base64 encoded signing key
    base64 encoded signing key
    <ns0:audience>audience string
    <ns0:issuer>issuer string
    <ns0:claim name="name of the claim as it appears in the token" match="all|any" separator="separator character in a multi-valued claim">
      <ns0:value>claim value as it is expected to appear in the token

* remove ns0: from code